So I'm cleaning up again (always) but - seriously now - I've got a whole lot of purging/arranging/painting/nailing ahead of me. As I lug furniture about, I've begun pondering the ancient Chinese art of feng shui.
The only thing I know, in compliance with this system, is that I'm not supposed to face a bed toward a door, a task that can prove challenging in Chicago's tradition of quaint and oddly-shaped bedrooms.
Since I just listed my only manual for sale on Amazon, I'm wondering...does feng shui really work?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Smart Art
The instant I saw this sweet print, it became my laptop wallpaper. Sometimes you just need that extra reassurance, you know?
Thanks to Laura George for creating the perfect motivational tool for and to the SCOOP for helping me find it.
Thanks to Laura George for creating the perfect motivational tool for and to the SCOOP for helping me find it.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Weekend Flings

• A Pee-Pee Map
• Chantix: Smoking Might be Better
• Celebrities. Invisible Bikes.
• Roadsworth is Worthy
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Bonus Bone: Vintage industrial lamp

I always love checking out Leah's list of ebay finds. When I saw this lamp, I audibly gasped!! If that isn't a sign that this should be a Bonus Bone, I don't know what is!
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Do It Your Own D*mn Self

Crystals, leather, lace, fringe, notions, plastic bags, sequins, and much more crafty goodness is for sale this weekend for super cheap.
Do It Your Own D*amn Self - Craft supplies for super cheap
Saturday, March 28
12-4 pm
Pulaski Park Field House
1419 W. Blackhawk, Chicago
Sip 'n' Save
Each tile is its own cup - a tea-sized container I'd fill with bottle caps, buttons, organic gumdrops, loose cents...
Or maybe, I'd just put my weed in there.
Or maybe, I'd just put my weed in there.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mama Cardboard is One Lucky Lady
Well, whatta you know! Mama Cardboard saw our post on the SCOOP's second birthday and decided to try her luck...which appears to be plentiful. She is one of the lucky winners!
I fully expect to receive one of these Orange Beautiful paper goods in the mail (along with a newspaper clipping on Denver real estate and an update about who just got married/had a baby/started taking dance classes).
Love you, Mama C! I need to rub your head for luck!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tofu & Pasta Necessity
You guys have to try this recipe! I don't care if ham-on-the-bone or skirt steak is your favorite, try this:
Pasta w/Fried Tofu, Roasted Peppers, Olives *
Serves 4
16 ozs extra-firm tofu, cubed
3 tbsp canola (etc) oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
6 garlic cloves, minced
7-oz jar of roasted red peppers, drained and diced
10 black olives, pitted and halved
1/2 cup fresh parsley sprigs, chopped
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
pepper to taste
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
4 handfuls of pasta (rigatoni?)
In a large frying pan, fry the tofu in the canola oil until golden brown. Stir and flip occasionally.
Transfer to a large bowl, and drizzle with the soy sauce. Toss well and set aside. Save the pan!
In a large pot, bring several quarts of water to a boil. Cook the pasta in the boiling water until al dente. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup of the water.
Meanwhile, in the same tofu frying pan, saute the garlic in the olive oil for 30 seconds. Add the peppers, and cook 2 minutes longer.
Stir in the olives, parsley, basil, salt and pepper and tofu. Toss well.
Stir the reserved pasta water into the sauce. Cook for 1 minute.
Place the pasta in a serving bowl, and pour on the sauce. Mix well, sprinkle on the Parmesan, toss, and serve.
Pasta w/Fried Tofu, Roasted Peppers, Olives *
Serves 4
16 ozs extra-firm tofu, cubed
3 tbsp canola (etc) oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
6 garlic cloves, minced
7-oz jar of roasted red peppers, drained and diced
10 black olives, pitted and halved
1/2 cup fresh parsley sprigs, chopped
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
pepper to taste
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
4 handfuls of pasta (rigatoni?)
In a large frying pan, fry the tofu in the canola oil until golden brown. Stir and flip occasionally.
Transfer to a large bowl, and drizzle with the soy sauce. Toss well and set aside. Save the pan!
In a large pot, bring several quarts of water to a boil. Cook the pasta in the boiling water until al dente. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup of the water.
Meanwhile, in the same tofu frying pan, saute the garlic in the olive oil for 30 seconds. Add the peppers, and cook 2 minutes longer.
Stir in the olives, parsley, basil, salt and pepper and tofu. Toss well.
Stir the reserved pasta water into the sauce. Cook for 1 minute.
Place the pasta in a serving bowl, and pour on the sauce. Mix well, sprinkle on the Parmesan, toss, and serve.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weekend Flings

• No
• Job Security in Borrowed Books
• Beating the Economy with Coffee & Tots
• Pope Stars in His Own Non-Reality Show
• Holy Sh*t - I'm Going for a an Open Field...Barefoot...
• Scanwiches!
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Keep Getting Screwed
OMG, you guys, my EX rly loved to screw! You may remember more of his aggressive handiwork from THIS POST. Ah well, what a Tool. At least I moved a mirror today and the home improvements continue...
ps. And yes, this is a photo of the very wall that inspired our tagline!
ps. And yes, this is a photo of the very wall that inspired our tagline!
RuMe Bags
Oh, pretty pattern! Not since the Envirosax have I been so attracted to a reusable grocery tote. Yet these RuMe bags (get it? roomy...) are less expensive (3 for $25) and they're constructed to stand open, like an "old-fashioned paper bag."
One last reason to grab some for yourself: apparently "Nicole Richie and Joel Madden LOVE their RuMe Bags" (yet the Delight link is broken so I'm wondering who, really, is behind this celebrity endorsement).

One last reason to grab some for yourself: apparently "Nicole Richie and Joel Madden LOVE their RuMe Bags" (yet the Delight link is broken so I'm wondering who, really, is behind this celebrity endorsement).

green design,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bonus Bone: Wolli Snow Mountain Toy Box
I love this. Period. Yeah, yeah - it's for kids and - sure, sure - it's supposed to hold their toys but...agh, my just melted and I want this thing.
Etsy vendor BabiesBreath has, with a few stitches and a whole lotta' felt, has thrown me right back to when I was wee and my sisters and I would play with our felt board. With our imaginative "grubby biscuit hooks," as Porcelain would call them, we'd orchestrate fairy tales on the felted surface, adhering the floppy cut-outs - dogs, girls, buckets, trees - to our canvas with an amateur and wild grace.
This toy box, this masterpiece of "sturdy and flexible storage," may not be meant for me yet. But it could hold all my mittens...
For these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
Etsy vendor BabiesBreath has, with a few stitches and a whole lotta' felt, has thrown me right back to when I was wee and my sisters and I would play with our felt board. With our imaginative "grubby biscuit hooks," as Porcelain would call them, we'd orchestrate fairy tales on the felted surface, adhering the floppy cut-outs - dogs, girls, buckets, trees - to our canvas with an amateur and wild grace.

For these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
bonus bone,
kid stuffs,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Look for the Hooks
Ah, Chiasso. They are the kings of form over function...
...and a warehouse of steel and glass (UgMod?)...
...but, every so often, they show us a gem:
...and a warehouse of steel and glass (UgMod?)...
...but, every so often, they show us a gem:
Happy Birthday to the SCOOP

Our good bloggity friend, the SCOOP, is turning two today! We're rounding our applause in their direction and we hope you'll swing over and congratulate them too. If you do, there might just be something in it for you...
In the tradition of gifting on your birthday, the SCOOP is giving away a few packs of the beautiful - Orange Beautiful, rather - letterpress notesets and GOCCO notes. And all you have to do to throw your pen into the ring is talk nice.
Happy Birthday, SCOOPERS!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Shuttle Stuff
Inspiration can be found in the most unlikely of places. I, myself, have no "thang" for space shuttles but I know some of you crazy astronauts out there do! we go:
Space Shuttle Lifting Off Wall Mural, at
Rocket Print, by obotek at etsy

The artifact is a little 'meh' but the kid's face is classic...

Even though it was made in 1981 and the trivia contains no mention of all this Pluto ambivalence, the best - the greatest - space age addition to your home is...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Pat's
Happy St. Patrick's Day... you and all yer wee lasses and lads!
Just be careful today, if you're stumbling out in a tall felt hat, as it is possible to drink a tad too much green. Be witty, be lucky, get yer shamrocks home safe. you and all yer wee lasses and lads!
Just be careful today, if you're stumbling out in a tall felt hat, as it is possible to drink a tad too much green. Be witty, be lucky, get yer shamrocks home safe.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekend Flings

• "Pool Boy Sold Separately"
• A Colorful Goodbye
• Come On, Morse, You Can Do It!
• Thoughts on Lonely
• A Helpful (Ha Ha) Virus
• Sorry, Guys!
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bonus Bone: Every Cloud screen print

I am an eternal optimist. I always try to find the bright side of the situation. I'm like the annoying counterpart of Debbie Downer. But even the best of us have our bad days. Perhaps seeing this sweet print might be the kick in the pants you need to get out of your funk.
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
Sick & Silver

You get it. But I'm thinking an ornate silver bed might make me feel a teensy bit better about this situation.
Photo credit: Telegraph
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Cloud shelf

I will happily renounce Satan for three things: My nieces, my nephew, and this adorable cloud shelf.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Couch on the FLOR
I just received the most recent FLOR catalog and flipped through it, mostly out of courtesy, as I'm not currently in the market for carpet squares for the flo(o)r. But - lo and behold! - I found something I wasn't expecting: I fell in love with a couch in a carpet magazine. It's lovely!
From this angle, it's hard to tell if the structure of the sofa (loveseat?) is the perfect accompaniment to the Rock of Beef Bus. I quite simply adore the fabric. I'm a total sucker for nubby tweeds, in earth tones, that are also...[trifecta drumroll]...soft.
But now we have a predicament, one can buy the FLOR tiles HERE but who knows anything about that sofa? Do you think it's a store standard or a custom job? Um, Cost Plus? Room & Board? Anyone...?
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Weekend Flings

• Our New Girl Crush
• Porcelain's New Girl Crush
• Colorado Says, "Sike!"
• My Loitering/Laboring Neighbors
• The Most Worthless 'Guess Who'
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Essentially DB

If you're visiting us for the first time, you special new readers you, there's a good reason for it: you must have seen us mentioned in this week's Time Out: Chicago! Welcome! (And a gracious "hai luv" goes out to you old faithfuls.)
Apparently, Porcelain and I are still getting out of bed and firing up the laptop enough to earn design boner a feature in the "Essential Chicago" edition of Time Out. Along with DB, our web friends/rivals Strange Closets, Orange Beautiful, Making It Lovely, PrairieMod, and, new BBFF*, BackGarage, were also mentioned.
Thanks to Time Out: Chicago for giving us the cover (ha ha, ways out!), to Jessica Herman for the lovely interview/write-up, and to Nicole Radja for the lively portrait session. A final nod goes to Photoshop for allowing me to (kinda) fix my lame-ass bangs. See the entire article HERE!
* Best blogger friend forever
Bonus Bone: Wood Grain Folders
Wouldn't you like to be able to count the rings on your files and figure out how old they are? Surely, that would help spur an excess paper purge?
I would totally buy these attractive folders, offered at the MoMa store for $7 for six, but I fear they'd just end up locked inside my big ol' paint splattered filing cabinet. And that's the sad truth.
For (or maybe despite) these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
I would totally buy these attractive folders, offered at the MoMa store for $7 for six, but I fear they'd just end up locked inside my big ol' paint splattered filing cabinet. And that's the sad truth.
For (or maybe despite) these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
bonus bone,
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Highs & the Lows
Monday, March 02, 2009
Industry pendant lamp

This weekend I watched The Parallax View. The final, climatic scene up in the rafters of a convention hall reminded me of how much I like this light fixture from CB2.
(Good movie, in my opinion. Hardwood, however, did not care for it as much.)
(Good movie, in my opinion. Hardwood, however, did not care for it as much.)
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Weekend Flings
Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo
• Death in the Family: Rocky Mountain News, 1859-2009 (seen above)
• NYC: Cheap and Happy
• "This is Why..." You're Going to Throw Up
• Another Shining Bushism
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
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