We take a lot of cat photos. Sorry. We are not crazy cat people. Really. We just love our little beasts and find them excellent Weekend Photo material.

I, on the other hand, have been needing to clean house. This past year has been a series of now you have it/now you don'ts so I need to re-center around what's really important. Two of my big missions have been to budget my spending and to fix what is broken (literally and symbolically) in my home.

Lastly, we really got into our Flings. These not-necessarily-design-related mementos create much fun and laughter in this little blog so focused on bed frames and lights. We found new artists, rehashed memories, and even met a couple Fantastic Men. We might call them Flings but that doesn't mean we don't love 'em.
Welcome to 2009!
* Grammar sacrificed for rhyme.