DNfromMN wrote in to tell us about his (
I wandered through this evening and came across some reclaimed stump furniture and bowls. I was able to grab a small one [seen above] for my apartment-sized dining room table. The bowls range from $15-60 with most being around $30. So cheaper than anything I've seen on the net before.
So true, DNfromMN! I love your funky new four-apple wranglin' wooden bowl. And the price (under $60) makes the whole deal even sweeter. But not as sweet as that tablecloth!
I have loved wooden bowls for awhile now. I keep my eyes peeled at antique malls and thrift stores, hoping to find the perfect (but affordable) large, communal-salad-type vessel. I've come across a number of excellent candidates but, as far as wooden bowls go, it turns out I'm rather picky and the ones I like are always craZy expensive.
Case in point: This large wooden bowl is gorgeous, so shiny and smooth! It's made from the native Hawaiian Koa tree, known for its strength and multi-dimensional, often golden color. This wood is used to make everything from ukuleles to canoes. [Mama Cardboard has a bowl very to similar to this photo and I'm thinking she got it when we traveled to Hawaii when I was barely corrugated. Mama C, confirm?] There are many reasons for me to love this big, beautiful bowl and, of course, it costs $368.
Porcelain is also down with the wood. [Insert Hardwood joke here.] She admires this set of Bamboo bowls from Crate & Barrel. These are completely affordable but, for me, they lack the intensity and depth I seek in a wooden bowl.
Along the same vein, we have these small wooden bowls from re:modern. They resemble the Crate & Barrel version except they have the added bonus of color. I think they're rather cute (as individual bowls) but I don't think I'd like this style in a large, serving bowl. I'm looking for something a bit more...wild...a touch more unique.
Which leads me to this: the pièce de résistance. This bowl is fantastic. According to hi+lo modern, this vintage bowl might be made from olive wood but definitely comes with two serving utensils. I love the color, the size, the swooping angle and the thinness of the lip. But it's still $150. At least I'm moving down in price!
If you're also dreaming about an affordable, big wooden bowl but don't live close to a HomeGoods, DNfromMN helpfully points out that HomeGoods is affiliated with TJMaxx, Marshalls, A.J. Wright, and Bob's Stores, so hopefully you'll find one of those (as well as the perfect bowl) near you.
For whatever it matters, I'm a guy. And I love that olive-wood bowl. But I also love my bowl, I love all its imperfections and knots; it has so much character and it's a great counterpart to the smooth lines of my 1960s pedestal table. :)
I like the bamboo bowls, too, but they're almost too sleek.
The tablecloth was a Target clearance item 2 years ago. There were napkins, too.
i love a good wooden bowl. it makes me think of salads and fruit! and of these are fantastic choices.
lovin' the bamboo bowls... but then again why would I love any other? hehe. looks perfect for miso soup.
I do not own any wooden bowls as beautiful as these, although I have several that have been used and loved over the years (including many wooden pieces from my family's stay in the Philippines). Wooden bowls are works of art as well as serving utilitarian purposes, and I always drool over them at art shows or when traveling... As for that imaginary bowl from Hawaii, Cardboard and I will just have to go back to look for it...
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