Here are our weekend photos. Visit flickr to see the entire 6 & 7 collection.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Weekend Flings

• A Michigan Must
• WTF?: Dong Monkey
• Da Disk
• Rabbits: They Disapprove
• A Beach Tradition
• The Whole Walking-Splits Thing is Downright Unreal
• 100 Things: A Life
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Bonus Bone: School Clock
Basic doesn't go out of style. It might sway in and out of "vintage" or "retro" but strong, taskcentric design will always look right. This clock, for example, throws me right back to digging in my backpack for a #2 pencil. Had I known then what I know about design now, I would have stolen one of these of the wall.
For these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
For these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
Pears, Lit
Ah, two of my favorite things together: pears and lamps. This conceptual Pear Light by Brooklyn designer, Nick Foley, is something I might design, if I had any idea about how to do so and was kinda a genius.
The "tree" is hand-forged hollow steel. Each piece of "fruit" contains bright white LEDs and an autonomous charging circuit. This means that the bulbs can be picked and will still retain their glow for up to an hour.
The tree can hold, by way of magnets, three pears at a time. When the fruit is on the tree, it's also charging the bulbs.
Pears and light; technology and beauty. Yeah, right, I could come up with this...
The "tree" is hand-forged hollow steel. Each piece of "fruit" contains bright white LEDs and an autonomous charging circuit. This means that the bulbs can be picked and will still retain their glow for up to an hour.

Pears and light; technology and beauty. Yeah, right, I could come up with this...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Self-Bride by Kimiko Yoshida
There's not much in this world that I love more than a good self-portrait. Wait, I like themes a lot too... Cue Kimiko Yoshida and her series of self-portraits as Bride.
Yoshida has been exploring bridal imagery through photography since about 2000. This Japanese-European artist often employs ethnicity and tradition to set her portraits apart but she also delves into using color, iconography, religion, and sex, to inspire her portraits. Speaking of which, there are some artistically-subtle nipples a few photos down so I will warn: NSFW.
But don't let that give you cold feet. Be sure to check out Yoshida's entire portfolio because the pieces I chose for this post don't even begin to lift the veil.
Yoshida has been exploring bridal imagery through photography since about 2000. This Japanese-European artist often employs ethnicity and tradition to set her portraits apart but she also delves into using color, iconography, religion, and sex, to inspire her portraits. Speaking of which, there are some artistically-subtle nipples a few photos down so I will warn: NSFW.
But don't let that give you cold feet. Be sure to check out Yoshida's entire portfolio because the pieces I chose for this post don't even begin to lift the veil.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Weekend Flings
• Both Cool and a Crescendo of Creepy (seen above)
• Xenia Taler Goes Outside
• The More You Know
• A Charitable Pink Hose
• Gotta Start Knitting Again!
• New (and Discounted!) Bedding is Always Nice
• "Thonged in the Eye..." (is All We Need to Say)
• A Drama in the Gutter
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
• Xenia Taler Goes Outside
• The More You Know
• A Charitable Pink Hose
• Gotta Start Knitting Again!
• New (and Discounted!) Bedding is Always Nice
• "Thonged in the Eye..." (is All We Need to Say)
• A Drama in the Gutter
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Bonus Bone: Sugar/Creamer set

I love sugar/creamer sets and although I already have a nice set, I want this one by Sagaform. I'm a sucker for the combination of sleek, white, and wood. Complete and absolute fool for it. It's like my version of those stupid White Castle crave commercials with the chicken sandwich calling you. I'm resisting my craving and going to have a glass of water and a celery stick instead!
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Birthday Sweepstakes Winner(s)!
Our birthday sweepstakes gift hunt was exhausting. We just had to find the perfect present because you guys mean so much to us. Our first choice was the house shown above but - even after emptying six wallets on the table - we couldn't scrape up the 1.5 million needed to buy. (You heard that right - this little brown pebble is listed at $1,500,000 but Lake Michigan is basically in the backyard so...)
But then we found somethingeven better more affordable. In fact, we got so into the search that we chose TWO gifts! One we think is rather nice and pretty and the other one is hahahahahahaha. We can only reveal that much now because we want the winners to be surprised before we publish cadeau pics for the whole world. So, without further ado, we randomly drew the following loyal readers' names (and comments) out of Porcelain's cute knitted coinpurse:
But then we found something
I remember the day I turned two....putting out my candles with the palm of my hand.... eating cream...vomiting up all over uncle tom's new wingtips.....then taking a nice long nap. Ah yes...those were the days.
Happy Birthday and have a great vaykay!
Hahaha, etc goes to...Elizabeth!
I'm sure whatever you two come up with will pretty much be the best prize ever. Happy Birthday!
Congrats on letting us gift you on our birthday, ladies! Email us HERE with your mailing addresses (which will, of course, self-destruct after we label the boxes) and we'll ship your gifties right out.
Thanks to everyone who tried to let us buy your love. Stay tuned to see our selections...
Monday, June 16, 2008
A Pause for the Cause
Design doesn't mean a thing if you no longer have a home.
Help however you can:
American Red Cross
Salvation Army
Help however you can:
American Red Cross
Salvation Army
Photo credit: Talia Frenkel/American Red Cross
6 & 7
Here are our weekend photos from our incredibly fun and relaxing vacation in New Buffalo, Michigan. Visit flickr to see the entire 6 & 7 collection.
Sweepstakes Reminder
Porcelain & I are back in Chicago, after having the best time in New Buffalo, MI. While we're busy uploading our sure-to-be hilarious and/or beautiful photos, don't forget to enter our birthday sweepstakes for our sure-to-be hilarious and/or beautiful gift!
SORRY - the sweepstakes is over!
Deadline: Monday, June 16th @ noon CST
Deadline: Monday, June 16th @ noon CST
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Weekend Flings

• No Clutter for Canada
• Just Sayin' That's a Big Pot, That's All
• Writing Like I Mean It...
• New Blog! Alert: Giving Us 1,000 More Reasons to Visit Australia
• Window Walls are Way Cool
• Yay! Bibliofilly's in Love! (Sorry, Scott)
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Bonus Bone: Power Out
I was running around, crazy-like, last night, trying to get everything set for my vacation. Doing dishes, trying on swimsuits, changing cat litter, brainstorming bonus bone, shaving...blink...power out.
The lights were out for at least two hours. Just enough time to stop worrying so much and have some gosh dern fun.
For these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
The lights were out for at least two hours. Just enough time to stop worrying so much and have some gosh dern fun.
For these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Birthday Sweepstakes!

But we haven't forgotten about our loyal and faithful readers! We had such a blast with our birthday sweepstakes last year, we thought we'd doing something similar again. This year we will purchase a very special prize while we're away in Michigan. Maybe we'll find a killer vintage piece or maybe we'll just buy a boob mug that reads "New Buffalo" across the tots. You never know with us; that's why we're fun!!!
To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. After the deadline, a random winner will be pulled from a hat and announced to the world! Of course, friends and family of DB are completely allowed to try for it. I mean, isn't that the whole point?
SORRY - the sweepstakes is over!
Deadline: Monday, June 16th @ noon CST
Deadline: Monday, June 16th @ noon CST
Photo credit: Ira Block
Monday, June 09, 2008
Come see some of Porcelain's paintings!

I have six paintings hanging at the wonderful Andersonville restaurant Il Fiasco. There will be a meet and greet/reception on Friday, June 20 from 6-8pm. Please come out to support some local Chicago artists and a great neighborhood restaurant (amazing pizza, delicious pasta, and great wine list).
Art Show/Meet and Greet
Art by: Katie Brown, Rex Flodstrom, Philip Hartigan, Jackie Spark
Friday, June 20, 2008
Il Fiasco
5101 N. Clark
Chicago, IL 60640
See a few more examples of my work here.
Art Show/Meet and Greet
Art by: Katie Brown, Rex Flodstrom, Philip Hartigan, Jackie Spark
Friday, June 20, 2008
Il Fiasco
5101 N. Clark
Chicago, IL 60640
See a few more examples of my work here.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Weekend Flings
• For Brits Only
• CO Introduces the "Thong Mask"
• The Land of Nod Serves Up Cute
• In Your Face, Nursery! (Porcelain Takes 15; Cardboard Takes 25)
• Finger Texture
• Wait 5 Seconds After Loading...
• The Gender of Paint
• "Cyndi Lauper" is Always the Best but "Ray Charles" Makes Me Laaaaugh (seen above)
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Design Boner Turns Two!

- affectionate - hugs and kisses
- favorite words are "Mine" and "No" and "I do it!"
- shows interest in dressing, brushing hair and teeth
- enjoys looking at books
- possessive - offers toys to other [bloggers] but wants them back
- experiments by touching, smelling, and tasting
- scribbles vigorously with crayons or markers
- stacks 4-6 objects
- cannot sit still or play with a toy for more than a few minutes
- points to eyes, ears, or nose when asked
- likes to push, pull, fill, and dump
It's like they know us! They also state that "two-year-olds are surer of themselves and of what they can do as they grow." We look forward growing even more confident and designy and bonery with all of you.
Thanks, DB readers, for a great two years!
Click HERE to reminisce about our first birthday!Photo credit: Dotspotter
Friday, June 06, 2008
Bonus Bone: Pool
It got real hot and muggy here in Chicago all of a sudden. A couple nights ago it was down right chilly, but now we're experiencing rainforest-like weather. Being of pale skin complexion, I am not made to stand this type of weather. I wilt.
Cardboard and I have been lusting for a nice, big backyard with chaise lounges and a big table for outdoor feasts. I'd now like to add an inground pool to that dream. We had an above ground pool when I was a kid, but I always envied our neighbors who had the sweet inground one. It seemed so glamorous! There was a charming mid-century home in Domino this month that had an envy-inducing pool (see top photo). I'm sure I'd spend everyday from June till September if I had one like this. But right now I'll take any pool, even one of these.
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
Cardboard and I have been lusting for a nice, big backyard with chaise lounges and a big table for outdoor feasts. I'd now like to add an inground pool to that dream. We had an above ground pool when I was a kid, but I always envied our neighbors who had the sweet inground one. It seemed so glamorous! There was a charming mid-century home in Domino this month that had an envy-inducing pool (see top photo). I'm sure I'd spend everyday from June till September if I had one like this. But right now I'll take any pool, even one of these.
For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
A Very Special Day for Mr. Sketch
Today my (forallintentsandpurposes) brother turns 29. It's a special birthday for him because 29 is his favorite number. He likes it, not because it has particular significance, but simply for how it looks on the page. This is only one of a thousand reasons I'm so fond of this kid.
I met this birthday boy years ago when he started loving my sister. And now I have no trouble saying he's definitely part of our family. He is also one of the most creative and playful artists I've ever known. Not only does he follow his own vision but he teaches kids to follow theirs. I've often wished I could have been a student in one of his art classes because I see the absolute joy he feels in being a part of art and I have to think his students see that too.
Holy Mother porcelain figurine, at LladróSo Happy Birthday, Mr. Sketch! If I could afford it, I would totally buy this lovely Holy Mother figure for you to add to your collection. Sadly, the image will have to do (for now!) because I just don't have the money. But, you're an artist; you know all about that.
I met this birthday boy years ago when he started loving my sister. And now I have no trouble saying he's definitely part of our family. He is also one of the most creative and playful artists I've ever known. Not only does he follow his own vision but he teaches kids to follow theirs. I've often wished I could have been a student in one of his art classes because I see the absolute joy he feels in being a part of art and I have to think his students see that too.

Mr. Sketch,
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Domino Visits Chicago!

Saturday is packed with editor meet-ups and workshops - all open to the public and all FREE! I'm most looking forward to the flower arranging lesson at Jayson Home and Garden at 1pm. To see all the happenings, click HERE.

Visit the Domino Design District site to download your shopping guide/map and we'll see you there!
Photo credit: Domino magazine
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Will hippos be the next big animal trend?

Dooce has a hippo stapler. So, yes, I see this as a definite trend in the future.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Weekend Flings

• A Neon Workspace
• Ever So Creepy & Great for Father's Day!
• Caribbean Fix with Dishes
• New Blog! Alert: Daily Annoyance Documentation
If you're new around here and have no idea what this list means, click HERE for a brief and witty explanation.
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