Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Art vs. Craft Finds

(l.-r.): Porcelain, Alison Rose, & Cardboard selling their goods at Art vs. Craft, 2006
Artist: Alison Rose, ink on napkin
Of course, I spent money at Art vs. Craft. Need you even ask?

The following items fall within the realm of design: art!

(l.-r.): etching by Amy Misurelli-Sorensen, print by Gaudy Girls (see flickr for a close-up)

The tiny printed canvas is only 4" square and terribly sweet. See how nice it looks in my orange dining room (nudge, nudge)? I bought the tire swing print from Gaudy Girls, an ever-changing vendor that I always see at these functions. It doesn't look like these girls sell items online (yet) but their web site does tell you where to find them next.

The other print is an etching by a lovely lady named Amy Misurelli-Sorensen. With a carefree attitude and no web site to her name, she was there trying to sell off loads of her artwork in order to make the long trip out west to graduate school. I bought this delicate print for only $5, but the artist was also selling large woodcuts for $25 and vividly eccentric oil portraits for a few hundred bucks (and that was "completely negotiable").

I finally bought cards from Boxspring Creative. I've been eyeing his work for awhile and this time I paced myself enough to afford 10 new cards. They are entirely simple but clever and for sale online. The illustrations are the best though. Each drawing is unassuming and true, sketches of a life full of pianos, typewriters, and lots of women's shoes.

1 comment:

paperlily said...

I love the prints you bought. And yes, they look fabulous in your orange dining room!