Mr. Scruffy lives across the street from Mama Cardboard in a sunny neighborhood in Denver, Colorado. This all sounds grand but his guardian suddenly passed away and he can't swing the rent alone.
Mr. Scruffy is a stunning cat (see above) but he's also a "...male cat (5-6 yrs old), very friendly companion/lap cat, indoor/outdoor." I don't know how he is with other pets/children but Mama C says that he's always been friendly when she finds him outside on her neighborhood walks.
Mr. Scruffy is paid up through Wednesday and then he's being sent into the system (ie: scary-ass shelters). If you live in/near Denver and have ever thought about getting a furry little beast of your own, send me an email so we can keep Mr. Scruff's trauma to a minimum.
I don't live in the area, but good luck to Mr. Scruff!
my Dumas looks exactly like him. I hope he finds a good home.
GOOD LUCK, Scruffy!!
Mr Scruffy found a home! What we thought would be a foster home now looks permanent. This from his brand new owner: "Scruff is here and very happy, and you can consider him permanently adopted. Our girls love him, and there is no way they’ll let him go somewhere else! He immediately made himself at home, and he was curled up in my lap in about 10 minutes. " A happy ending...
HOORAY! Happy to hear that everything worked out! Thanks for the update Mama C.
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