Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kiva Loan #2

Since my favorite Hernandez Garcias worked everything out down in Mexico and paid their Kiva loan back, I had a surplus. Time to loan again!

This time I'm helping out Osas Orhiekpaiyo, a 36-year old man in Nigeria who is hoping to buy more spare motor parts. Maybe I chose him because he's single (you go, young professional) or maybe it's because his shop looks a lot like my house. I think the true reason is the shirt.

Go HERE to offer your assistance to Osas, click HERE to see who else needs a hand, or settle in HERE to read more about Kiva.


this humble abode said...

What a fantastic thing to be involved with. I'm going to talk to the wife tonight about making a loan.

Cardboard said...

Hurrah, glad to hear that!