Further proof that we are ethereally connected: I have those same "perfect amount" drinking glasses!
I've seen these getting-to-know-your favorite blogger chain-letter type things but have never been asked to play along...until now! Ms. Briggles picked me out of the web, saving me from the hungry spider of virtual anonymity, and put me right on said spot. Here's how this game works:
1. Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
2. Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged.
So here's a list (to be filed away for Trivial Pursuit: Blogger Edition) of more than you ever wanted to know about me, Cardboard:
1. I am thick waisted...but I'm workin' on it!
2. Having grown up in a state with no (one?) toll road, I never really knew how they worked. So, when I left for college in Massachusetts, home of the revered Mass Pike, I first thought that the amount of toll you paid depended on the amount of time you spent on the toll road. Meaning, the faster you drove, the less you paid. Oh, the autobahn anarchy!
3. I hate getting my hair cut but I LOVE how it feels to walk outside with freshly cut hair.
4. The first and only time I felt an earthquake, I was visiting my cousin in Palo Alto, CA. I was in...6th grade? I didn't realize it was an earthquake until my cousin (7th grade) started crying. I just thought it was her parents (my aunt & uncle) running through the house.
5. I have owned only one cell phone.
6. I had a hamster when I was in elementary/middle school. His name was Stud Muffin and he was my first sole responsibility. I wasn't the best at taking care of him (although he did live way beyond the average hamster life expectancy). Once, when cleaning his cage, I noticed that there were bugs (deplorable, I know) in his pooh corner. This is my earliest memory of doubting my abilities at motherhood.
7. I have invented one of the best (and easiest) vegetarian sandwiches ever: nutty bread (which MUST be toasted), raw spinach, mashed up avocado (with salt & lemon juice, of course), red onion, and Swiss cheese. You're welcome.
I pass the torch to...
1. Porcelain, because, well, because I love her and I constantly want to learn something new...
2. Frugal Fag, because he achieves the perfect balance between rambling and HI-larious...
3. Nicole, because she tells us a lot about herself already but I want the dirt...
4. Elizabeth, because she hasn't been posting regularly and I want to offer her an easy post...
5. Nicholas, because he bought me socks for Xmas so he's obviously got a whole closet full of skeletons...
6. M. Patrizio, because her site is so cute, plush, and pastel that I have a hard time believing she's real...
7. Fritz, because he's an excellent "vocabularist" who doesn't believe in paragraphs...