Thursday, May 01, 2008

Kiva: Good for the Soul

Want to do something good? Pay attention...

Kiva is a really great idea. It's "...the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs in the developing world." Basically, how it works is that YOU loan some money to someone in a developing country who needs a little help. Some people want to start a business, while other needs to fix their home or car. Once their loan has been completely fulfilled, they are obligated to start paying it back. In theory, you will get your money back so you can either collect it or sink it back into another worthy participant.

My sister, Bamboo, gave me a $25 gift certificate to Kiva for Christmas. I just now found my perfect family. I loaned my money to the Hernandez Garcias (seen above). They are requesting funds to simply make their home more livable and secure. It might be awhile before they receive their total requested amount but when they do, Kiva will email me with updates and their repayment schedule. And, you better believe, my meager $25 will go right back into the system.

So if you're like me and always searching for a way to reach out, look into Kiva.


Anonymous said...

Yea for Kiva! I've already gotten two repayments on my loan, the cola and sweets shop must be booming;)

Anonymous said...

I too love Kiva and have been giving for a while now. While I have had no issues with repayment the real value for me is the sense of really helping someone out. Anyone remotely considering it...take the plunge, you won't be sorry!

T8 said...

Hey, I love Kiva. It's so important and seems to be catching on. Great post.
