Friday, February 06, 2009

Bonus Bone: Spoon Sconces

I have a "thing" for spoons. I critique them. I collect them. I write fiction about them and even buy tote bags that have them all over the fabric pattern.

Spoon Sconces, at House European of Design

There's something a bit intrusive about these sconces but, if placed high enough on the wall, these little spoonfuls of light would be just the right food for my obsession.

For these reasons, I, Cardboard, declare this a Design Boner.


Anonymous said...

These are awesome! Makes me want to open a soupbox and include these in the decor! Super!

Cardboard said...

OMG - that's the best use of sconce idea EVER! Hmmm...Devon always wanted me to proposition them RE: Denver...

Anonymous said...

Then there would really be no reason not to live in Denver, Ikea and a soupbox! Whoa!

Cardboard said...

Ha ha, that's all I really need in life.