Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Water Hyacinth Pillows at West Elm

Gotta love that texture. I really like the natural, woven look of these pillows and I'm already using them (in my head) to decorate my imaginary outdoor oasis. Yet I wonder about their comfort level (too scratchy?) and I worry about mixing them with a glass of wine and pantyhose.

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

who really wears pantyhose anymore anyways...

Cardboard said...

I have been known to...Yeah, sparkle, get down with your bad self.

Cardboard said...

I found myself at West Elm this weekend so I sought these out. I really like the floor cushion. It's big and firm and not all that scratchy. Still probably not good for pantyhose but I figure that if you're all dressed up, you're most likely not going to be chillin' out the floor/ground anyway.

Eric R. Rickert said...

well, you probably wouldn't be wearing pantyhose outside, right?