Friday, February 01, 2008

Delightfully girly

Vintage pink footed sherbets, available at Peacock Modern

I do love the color pink, but I don't have all that much of it in my home. These sweet little footed bowls have just the right amount of girly frilly vintageness, but are a tad restrained. No crazy baroque gaudiness pour moi! They are positively blushing. Part of me so wants to use them as food dishes for my two cats. How totally fabulous would that be!!


Kelly said...

i adore these! desserts would look that much better spooned up in them.

Katie said...

That is so true Kelly!! Wet cat food is one of the grossest looking and smelling things.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Yes, wet cat food should be contained in something heavy and ceramic... These deserve something light and pastel...