Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gimage: Shout Out!

"Shout out"
You know how when you were little and your big sister (or brother or pal) seemed annoyed at you all the time and always yelled at you for bothering her friends.* And you just sucked it up because your older sister was actually cool (while you were loud and dorky and kept making penis jokes). She ignoring you was how it was supposed to be.

And then there was that one day that you did something completely random or said something totally off-the-wall and, instead of rolling her eyes, your big sister just laughed and looked at you and said, "You're, like, kinda cool, I guess." Do you remember how big your heart swelled up that day?

We do.

Heather from Apartment Therapy - Chicago gave us a shout out in a short but sweet interview with Centerstage last week. Thanks a million!

* Apartment Therapy has never yelled at us or told us that we bother their friends.
his was just for drama. But we do admit to sometimes feeling like their unguided, obnoxious, sweaty, ADD-havin' little blogsister.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the thanks! this post had me laughing out loud...i love how you wrote it. see you two at renegade?

Katie said...

hi heather!

your welcome. when are you planning on going to renegade? i'm going to shoot to go on saturday. jessica will be at renegade all weekend working with her sister (stop at the alison rose table).

Anonymous said...

hey! janel and i are going together on saturday morning, so hopefully we'll see you. and we'll definitely find jessica's table. thanks!

Katie said...

cool! maybe i'll try to get down there early on saturday as well.

Anonymous said...

Yay - Looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday!

Anonymous said...

hi katie-
sorry we missed you! we were too fast. ah well, oct. 5 at the cb2 event, i imagine? good!

Katie said...

hi heather,

no worries!! oct. 5 definitely! it's on the calender.