Friday, March 16, 2007

Bonus Bone: Order valet stand

Order valet stand, available at Design House Stockholm

I try to be a tidy person, but there are some nights when the thought of extending the extra energy to simply hang up my jeans exhausts me just thinking about it. So they live on the floor or if they're lucky on top of my little bench. Then came along the chic valet stand designed by Gabriella Gustafsson. Those Swedes sure know how to design cool and useful objects. She combined various hanger shapes that can handle a pair of pants, a blazer, dress, cardigan and whatever else you slide out of.

For these reasons, I, Porcelain, declare this a Design Boner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have absolutely changed my life and my marriage forevermore. I am the biggest slob as far as not hanging up clothes. My dear husband often does it for me. Now, my clothes can look lovely in a sculptural quality, how good is that? I'm crazed with excitement!